Top Areas in Information Technology to Break Into

By October 1, 2018May 8th, 2019Employment Services, Tech Careers

One of the best perks of working in Information Technology is that you don’t have to be contained to one industry. Nearly every organization uses technology in some shape or form, which means you are able to find jobs almost anywhere, even in niche segments. You have the unique opportunity to pick something you’re interested in, and then go there and find an IT job!

Still stumped on where you want to go? We can help!

Here is a list of thriving sectors of the IT field. Paying attention to how Information Technology evolves allows you to focus your job seeking efforts towards something that is not only financially rewarding, but also interesting to you. Learn more below…

Machine Learning

Self-driving cars, robotics, voice-activated devices, and more – we’re entering an age in which Artificial Intelligence will play a larger and larger role. For example, machine learning engineers use their programming skills to create machines and systems that can “learn” through data and, therefore, apply what they have learned.

Network Analysis

As technology advances, so does the concept of what a “network” can include. As more devices, appliances, vehicles, and buildings are linked together, specialists with the ability to monitor and analyze network traffic, prevent problems, and predict needs will be in high demand.


There’s no denying the power and convenience that comes from electronic management of people, data, finance, devices, and equipment. However, with a reliance on these systems comes the potential for security breaches and the damage they inflict. The consequences can range from theft of credit card information to shutting down an electric grid. Professionals who are highly skilled in advanced cybersecurity will be needed now more than ever.

Cloud Storage

We may carry our devices everywhere we go, but there’s little need for these devices to hold all our data. Whether for business or education purposes, it’s increasingly common to house files and software in the cloud. As this becomes more and more common, there will be a growing demand for engineers who have the technological skills to develop stable and agile cloud-based systems.

Green Technology

Information technology is essential to our pursuit of sustainability, because we will always need systems that monitor building energy use or produce clean energy. In addition to the social and health pressures driving innovation in this field, some have suggested that the green tech revolution has even greater economic potential than the hardware and software revolution of recent decades.


Huge numbers of baby boomers in their 60s and 70s are beginning to fuel growth in this sector. As health data is becoming more easily accessible online, we need secure and dependable software that is easy-to-navigate for caregivers. Digital tools for remote appointments and even remote diagnosis are already in use, but with ever-evolving technologies, there will be a need for specialists to understand and implement changes.

We Can Help You Connect

Whether you’re a company looking for an IT specialist or an IT expert eager to bring your skills to the next challenge, contact Adaptive Solutions Group now. We can help place individuals in contract, contract-to-hire, and permanent positions. Let us help you make connections today!